Category Archives : Podiatry

What Are The Benefits Of Podiatry?

It is estimated that 9 out of 10 Australians will experience a foot related problem in their lifetime. However, through embarrassment many of these people will never seek professional help from a podiatrist. Our feet take three times our bodyweight and while they are a remarkable piece of engineering only too often problems may develop. […]

Why is podiatry important for people with diabetes?

Diabetes and Podiatry in Australia It is estimated that 1.7 million Australians have diabetes. This includes the 1.2 million Australians who have been diagnosed and the estimated 500,000 silent undiagnosed diabetics. More than 100,000 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year, that is one person every five minutes.  Podiatry for people with diabetes is […]

Are podiatry services covered by Medicare?

What Podiatry Services Are Covered by Medicare? Generally, podiatry services are not covered by Medicare. However, if you have a chronic medical condition like diabetes or osteoarthritis you may be eligible to access podiatry services under a Medicare enhanced primary care plan.  In order to access the scheme a general practitioner referral is required. This […]

Heel Pain

Do you suffer from heel pain? Five tips to get you pain free from your local podiatry clinic. Winter is nearly here. You have good intentions of exercising regularly, to maintain your fitness and perhaps prevent gaining weight over the winter months. These great intentions can be stopped in their tracks by heel pain. It […]