What Podiatry Services Are Covered by Medicare?

Generally, podiatry services are not covered by Medicare. However, if you have a chronic medical condition like diabetes or osteoarthritis you may be eligible to access podiatry services under a Medicare enhanced primary care plan.  In order to access the scheme a general practitioner referral is required. This may entitle you with up to 5 podiatry visits per calendar year. If you think this may apply to you, then you will need to contact your doctor to arrange a referral and discuss your eligibility.

For the majority of people, a referral is not required to see a podiatrist. Podiatrists are primary practice practitioners. That means you can make an appointment the same way you do for your doctor. Simply call our friendly reception staff on 8353 1988 and they will make an appointment time for you to see our podiatrists.

Podiatry is also eligible for a rebate under the ancillary or extras table of most private health insurers. The benefit you receive will depend on your level of cover. When making a claim we will use your health fund membership card to make an on the spot claim through our hicaps terminal at the time of treatment.  All you need to do is pay the gap.