It is estimated that 9 out of 10 Australians will experience a foot related problem in their lifetime. However, through embarrassment many of these people will never seek professional help from a podiatrist.

Our feet take three times our bodyweight and while they are a remarkable piece of engineering only too often problems may develop. Many of these people are reluctant to seek professional treatment, despite podiatry services in Adelaide being readily available. The common misconception is that people think that with time their foot problem will resolve.  In some instances this can be the case, however in other circumstances your problem may actually worsen. It is pretty hard to ignore pain associated with your feet, if every step hurts.

If you experience a problem or pain with your feet, ankles or lower legs you should see a podiatrist. Podiatrists play a crucial role in diagnosing the cause of your pain, curing your foot problem and preventing future problems from developing. The SA Podiatry Clinic believes that the benefits of treatment go beyond healing foot issues. Whole well-being is improved if foot pain is resolved.

Keep reading to discover the benefits of investing in your health with a podiatry assessment from the SA Podiatry Clinic


First of All, What Is Podiatry?

Podiatry is an area of allied health that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of conditions to do with your feet, ankles and lower legs.

Podiatrists are foot health experts.  Podiatrists are university trained health professionals, who have undergone four years of training to specialize in managing problems associated with the foot, ankle and lower leg.

Podiatry is a registered and regulated health profession. Podiatrist are required to be registered with AHPRA (Allied Health Practitioner Regulation Authority) and are required to meet an ongoing standard of professional development. Our Podiatrists at The SA Podiatry Clinic have undergone further training to provide you with the latest evidence based treatment available. This will assist you with a faster return back to playing sport, running, walking or even activities of daily living.  Our podiatrists are experts in tailoring a specialized solution to your individual foot, ankle or lower leg problem.

Podiatrists generally, and the The SA Podiatry Clinic in particular, will also provide health education to help prevent further foot problems from occurring.  Increased knowledge empowers clients to better care for their legs and feet. This is especially important for clients who are more prone to foot issues, e.g. diabetics, the elderly and athletes.  Foot health impacts over-all health and well-being.


The Benefits of Seeing A Professional Adelaide Podiatrist

Podiatrists are foot health specialists, and it may sound simple but podiatrists can actually cure your foot problem. As specialists we have an in-depth understanding of the foot and lower leg and how this may relate to injury. This comprehensive knowledge gives podiatrists the ability to discern foot and leg problems and develop a proactive treatment plan to cure your foot problem.

That old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, certainly rings true when it comes to your feet. Our podiatrists specialize in preventative care for foot and ankle pain.

At The SA Podiatry Clinic, we understand that a personalised approach is important.

A client’s treatment and healing are continually monitored by a single specialist.

This allows personal understanding of a client’s progress, and timely interventions.

This results in less time attending different practitioners and less time in discomfort.

Below are listed the conditions that The SA Podiatry Clinic team can treat, thus alleviating pain and getting you–and especially your feet–feeling the way you should!


What Conditions Do Podiatrists Treat?

At The SA Podiatry Clinic, our professional podiatry team can treat a range of foot problems: bone and joint disorders, tendon/muscular problems and neurological or circulatory diseases, as well as the following common problems:

  • Chronic heel pain (Plantar fascitis, heel spurs)
  • Shin pain (Shin splints)
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
  • Forefoot pain.(Morton’s Neuroma, plantar plate tears, Metatarsalgia)
  • Nerve pain
  • Stress fracture and fracture management
  • Ingrown toenails and thickened, mycosis nails (fungal nails
  • Muscular tightness, inbalance or weaknes
  • Bunion
  • Plantar warts
  • Children’s foot problems

Some occupations, where people are required to stand on hard surfaces for long periods, can lead to a variety of foot problems. Our Adelaide podiatrists will be able to identify the problem, find a solution and provide professional advice about athletic and work footwear.

Our podiatrists work closely with leading footwear experts to provide a comprehensive footwear assessment and education. Footwear can be expensive, making an informed decision  to help you make an informed
Other services available include: Hands on treatment with mobilisation, custom foot orthotics, paediatric assessment, and orthopaedic rehabilitation.

If you’re looking for a premium podiatry service in Adelaide, look no further than the team at The SA Podiatry Clinic! Contact the team today on 8353 1988.